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10th Grade Portfolio

"How has my 10th grade year prepared me to be a successful intern in my chosen field?"

Summary & Deadlines

Students in the 10th grade will synthesize their meta-cognitive changes into more comprehensive self-reflections. These reflections will be framed for a potential employer's point-of-view. 


Through 2nd quarter, students will work on getting the foundational pages of their website updated on the website. Meanwhile, debriefing forms will be assigned in all classes, which teachers will assess for content accuracy and thoroughness.


In 3rd quarter, advisory time will be set aside for students to write their reflections, using the debriefings as a personal source of content.  Entries/reflections will not necessarily be course specific; rather, they  could integrate ideas from multiple courses.


In addition to the 2 reflection rubrics (linked below), students will be graded on an overall rubric after the completion of their interview presentation.


Grade-Level Overview Page

This page will allow the students to introduce themselves in terms of where they are headed academically and professionally in a short paragraph. Because their audience will be someone who may want to offer them an internship, they need to specifically address their career interests in the introductory paragraph. For each entry, there should be a thumbnail and title, which will be discussed in advisory.  Each thumbnail will link to a separate reflection/entry.



Students will reflect on the following 2 prompts in 2 separate Entries:


Entry 1 - choose one of these prompts


What strengths have you developed this year? (three artifacts)  â€‹




What challenge have you overcome this year? (three artifacts)



Entry 2


Reflect upon how your interest in a particular career field has developed as a result of your experience in at least one of your classes. (three artifacts)



The entire portfolio must include artifacts from at least

three different classes.

Qualities Pages

The main Projects Page of the website will be updated (if necessary) to better explain PBL (project-based learning) and the importance of the 5 Qualities in the student's own words. From here, the 5 quality pages will each be linked and described on its own page with updated personalized definitions written by the student.

Experience Page

Here, the student will update desrciptions of their after-school activities and interests. This page is an intro the student's "outside of school" persona, which will become more extensive in future years. Eventually, this page will discuss internship experiences and jobs.

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